Friday, August 5, 2016


The supper time to visit Manali is in the Month of May to October.The seat rent of hotel is very high in this time.You can stay in hotel very cheap rate in winter.There are tourist lodge,Bish hotel and tourist Banglo in Manali.These hotel are very comfortable.But the seat rent is some high.        Which see in Manali: The banks of the river Bipasha is very charmful in Manali.Manali is a large city and this city is surrounded by the hill. 
Manali img
Sitting on beside the river is very pleasant.Even you can take rest and relax under the pave or Debdaru tree.The orchard of apple,Chari and peace are very fine and charmful.There is a Tibet market in Manali.Dalainama came to India.

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