Monday, July 25, 2016



Taj-ul-Mosque is the wonderful creation of the ancient architecture.It is most important and attractive.It should visit of course.You should enter in this mosque without any habitation.It’s inner side is very wonderful and visible.But you should remarkable that Friday or any other festival’s day except Muslim no one can enter in this Taj-ul-Mosque.You will be surprised to see this Mosque  from the out side.The Gombuj of this mosque in made with white stone.And the coluor of this Mosque is very nice to rosy colour.This mosque is very large indeed.It is called that it is the biggest mosque of India.It is situated in the Sultania road.Uncountable mustier say their prayer in this mosque together and Uncountable visitors came from different part of the world.There is a great Lake to the south of the Mosque.Small Lake is called the lower Lake and Big Lake are called the great Lake.In afternoon and evening to walk beside the Lake is very attractive.Acorium,Boat clud,Bharat Bhavan,Banabihar Safari Park,Regional science center,Government Archeological Museum are very remarkable.Except Monday it opens 10 am to 5 pm.

Taj-ul-Mosque image


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